Thursday 14 July 2016

Harry Potter Gif's we can all relate to: Top 10

I dont know anyone who doesn't love Harry Potter.

If you're one of these people, please leave you filthy muggle.

In no particular order I have made a little montage of GIFs of the feels we all go through, probably on a daily basis!

Sitting there on a Sunday night and realising its Monday in a matter of hours.

When you're on a night out and your jam comes on.
When your name gets announced for Karaoke and your mates a fewmin' coz' they wanna get off.
When you have an annoying relative/friend that you just cant be assed speaking to and they go in for the awkward hug.

When you're in a club and kiss a stranger in front of your mates, and your bezzie lets the whole group know you just necked someone. 

When you're dying to leave the club your mate suggested because its a dive, and turns out its closing time because the lights come on! (Not that dives are shit, my favourite place is The K and The Raz so I cant say anything...)

When you see a dead fit lad from across the room...

When a cocky lad thinks he's fucking hilarious, and you just wanna...

 When you're forever alone and all your mates are getting off with other people and you're just there with your drink like...
When a lad you used to see walks in and you're trying to get your mates attention...

I know these were mainly based on nights out, but come on we can all relate to these!

If you're a big Harry Potter fan  like me, here's a link to the official Sorting Ceremony in which you can be sorted into one of the Houses at Hogwarts!


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