Wednesday 20 July 2016


I'm a nosy bitch so this is the perfect way for all of you to find out random shit about me, here's the Tumblr Tag.

OH BY THE WAY; I'm a lazy ass bih, so I found a picture on Google. I will answer them in the numbers they correspond to (ew correspond, I keep thinking I'm in work haha)

I'm legit only doing up to 40. Atm.

  1. Melissa Jane Harper
  2. Aquarius
  3. Spiders, Big Spiders, Tiny Spiders
  4. Food, Drink, Ale
  5. My Bed, I dont have just one!
  6. Lady Gaga- Swine
  7. Light switch, an engine, play button, power button?
  8. Light switch, an engine, I'm not fucking telling you this, you'll use it against me!
  9. Black
  10. 0 Tattoos, Ears are pierced.
  11. For the Lol's, and the Beyonce GIF's
  12. Tired as fuck, but I cant sleep, hi insomnia!
  13. I really, really want Lady Gaga to just drop her new album already.
  14. Single, af.
  15. idk
  16. Why y'all always asking for just one?
  17. refer to answer 16
  18. refer to answer 17
  19. Not having the money to buy food, the amount of hate in the world and the fact I have to pay for fucking Netflix when there's fuck all on there.
  20. Food, Food and Ale!
  21. a non fuck boy mentality.
  22. My Gran
  23. My Nephew!
  24. Mum- Best friend, Dad- Erm...Yeah its okay?
  25. I can only remember going to Bulgaria in 2009, because its legit the only Holiday I've ever been on.
  26. Idk
  27. Erm, just one? I would say but in case they read this I dont want to come across as a needy fan girl?
  28. I tell people I've quit smoking, when really I still smoke- but only on nights out...
  29.  Fuck Boys, arrogant lads who think they're hot shit, Fuck Boy Arrogant Lying Arseholes :)
  30. Dog (Frenchy, Pug, Staff)
  31. Two Dogs; Lloyd & Hennessey
  32. Smoking, frequently.
  33. My financial sitch.
  34. I cant think of one atm, if I think of one I will deffo add it to this at a later date!
  35. No comment (contract purposes)
  36. 'Inserts Food Emoji' 
  37. Eating habits, eating habits, eating habits
  38. I dont have any as of yet
  39. I couldn't tell you that, even if I wanted to...
  40. Subway?

Thursday 14 July 2016

Monthly Faves: HIGHLIGHTER'S July #1


Seen's as I've only just started to commit to this blog, I thought it would be nice to give myself a little challenge were I post my monthly faves! I love watching Youtuber's unveiling their monthly obsessions so I thought WHY THE HELL NOT?

Also, because it's my first official post on this theme, i'll keep it short and sweet!

Anastasia Beverly Hills Highlighter: STARLIGHT.

Okay, if you don't know what ABH is or you've never heard of it...what fucking planet are you on please? I discovered this through all the bloody make up tutorials I watch, and when I see the state of the pigment I was like...WHY THE FUCK DON'T I HAVE THIS?!?!

It retails for £28 and you can buy it from Cult Beauty, or if you're feeling adventurous and dont mind waiting for what feels like a year for your shit to arrive, you can also but it from the american make up site Sephora (loads more colour choices with it being an american brand)

I mean who doesn't want this glow....?

MUA Undress Your Skin Shimmer Highlighter:
If you're as obsessed with make up as me, you should never question yourself or anybody else as to why they have more than one Highlighter, because one is never enough okay?
This Highlighter was £3.00 from Super drug (UK), its fucking amazing okay? The pigment speaks for itself okay...

You're a fucking liar if you deny wanting his highlighter! :')

 I'm very tempted to do the Highlighter Challenge....


Harry Potter Gif's we can all relate to: Top 10

I dont know anyone who doesn't love Harry Potter.

If you're one of these people, please leave you filthy muggle.

In no particular order I have made a little montage of GIFs of the feels we all go through, probably on a daily basis!

Sitting there on a Sunday night and realising its Monday in a matter of hours.

When you're on a night out and your jam comes on.
When your name gets announced for Karaoke and your mates a fewmin' coz' they wanna get off.
When you have an annoying relative/friend that you just cant be assed speaking to and they go in for the awkward hug.

When you're in a club and kiss a stranger in front of your mates, and your bezzie lets the whole group know you just necked someone. 

When you're dying to leave the club your mate suggested because its a dive, and turns out its closing time because the lights come on! (Not that dives are shit, my favourite place is The K and The Raz so I cant say anything...)

When you see a dead fit lad from across the room...

When a cocky lad thinks he's fucking hilarious, and you just wanna...

 When you're forever alone and all your mates are getting off with other people and you're just there with your drink like...
When a lad you used to see walks in and you're trying to get your mates attention...

I know these were mainly based on nights out, but come on we can all relate to these!

If you're a big Harry Potter fan  like me, here's a link to the official Sorting Ceremony in which you can be sorted into one of the Houses at Hogwarts!


Wednesday 13 July 2016


  1. What are you wearing? My work uniform.
  2. Ever been in love? I thought I was, thankfully not.
  3. Ever had a terrible breakup? I thought it was terrible at the time; turns out it was the best decision I've ever made.
  4. How tall are you? 5'8.
  5. How much do you weigh? 17st, 13lbs.
  6. Any tattoos? Nope.
  7. Any piercings? Ears.
  8. OTP? I mean, you can't just have ONE OTP in life.
  9. Fave show? Atm, Its always sunny in Philly.
  10. Fave Band? COME ON, JUST ONE?
  11. Fave song? COME ON YOU JUST CANT
  12. How old are you? 21
  13. Zodiac Sign? Aquarius.
  14. Things you look for in a potential partner? A pulse. Hahah.
  15. Favourite Quote? 'Quote here'.
  16. Fave actor? erm
  17. Fave colour? Navy
  18. Loud music or soft? LOUD AF
  19. Where do you go when you're sad? To a special pl.....
  20. How long does it take to shower? 3 hours, like a normal person
  21. Whats your job? Customer Service Adviser
  22. Ever been in a physical fight? Not recently 
  23. Turn on? A light switch, a television...? Ohhhhhhhhhh.
  24. Turn off's? A light switch, a televison...? Ohhhh againnnnnn?
  25. The reason you started a Blog? Because I cant be bothered making a YouTube Channel, yet.
  26. Fears? Spiders, Moths, Insects crawling in my ear whilst I sleep.
  27. Last time you cried, why? Yesterday, because my doctor is an arsehole.
  28. Last time you said you loved someone? Yesterday
  29. Meaning behind your blog name? That's my name yo.
  30. Last book you read? Five Night's At Freddy's: The Silver Eyes.

Its been a moment....

I gave up writing this blog, but now I'm back!

I literally haven't written anything on here since January, as Jeffree Star would say 'It's been a moment'...

I've been majorly procrastinating and not bothered to write anything on here, mainly because I've been too lazy to do so, plus I've spent all my 'free' time watching Make-up Tutorials.

Anywhom, I'm writing a bucket list so I'll put that up as soon as anyone can be assed reading it :)

Adios...for now,

Mell XO