Saturday 18 November 2017

18/11/2017 Diary #1- I rejoined Slimming World

I know if you're reading this you've most likely read over a million blogs on Women and Men blogging about their 'Slimming World Journey'...I find it quite cringey to call it that, this blog is quite simply a public diary entry! Maybe this could help who ever is reading this, we all struggle sometimes and succeed the other times. 

It's quite nice to find solace in another persons story (story, not journey ffs)if they're not doing so well, you know that you're not by yourself if you have an off day...or week if you're me!

Image result for diet gifImage result for diet gifImage result for diet gif

I started SW back in June of this year (2017). I wasn't in a good place in my life as I suffer badly from depression; being on medication to treat it, the side effects came with weight gain. I'm  a tall girl standing at 5'9 so i'm going to carry weight differently than the average 5'5/5'4 person. It doesn't help my case that I gain big and lose big...just wish it would stay off!

I haven't set a target weight yet, just going to aim for my Club 10 (16st 4lbs) as I weigh in today at 18st 6lbs!

Here's to a great week!


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