Saturday 18 November 2017


Omgomgomg that was the the most beautiful concert I've ever been to!!!
As soon as I heard The Killers were coming to the UK I was dead set on buying a ticket....what, no Liverpool date just Manchester? Ahh fuck! I'm the only person out of my mates who likes (more like obsessed) with The Killers, which meant no one wanted to pay £65 to listen to Mr Brightside.

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*that beautiful boy is Brandon Flowers*

14 years ago I was 9 about to turn 10, my sister and her friends were sat in the living room to our old house, she had been to Woolworths (yeah, remember that shop?!) And bought 'Hot Fuss' by an indie band called 'The Killers'. Music has always been my shit, it was something that helped me escape the real world bullshit problems. I didn't follow a religion when younger, my Mum and Dad divorced when I was 2 years old and neither of them were religious, I didn't have that same escapism as most religious people do, my prayer was chanting the lyrics to my favourite songs.

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As soooooon as I heard the first few notes from that sweet guitar of Jenny Was a Friend of Mine, I fell in love instantly, I've been hooked ever since!

I honestly can't say what my favourite song of theirs is, they're all soooo fucking gooooddddd!
It was the 10 year anniversary of Sawdust on the day of the concert, can't believe the time has flown.
The greatest thing about them is that, they've never lost their sound, and even when they changed it or tweaked it, they remained THE KILLERS. You know they way some bands try and change their sound to become bigger *AHEM HURTS AHEM*, I can truly say they're one of the greatest mainly for this!

I need to include some pictures and videos from the concert, must remind self to do this!
If you ever have the chance to go to their concert, you won't regret it! Even if Mr Brightside is the only thing you know!

18/11/2017 Diary #1- I rejoined Slimming World

I know if you're reading this you've most likely read over a million blogs on Women and Men blogging about their 'Slimming World Journey'...I find it quite cringey to call it that, this blog is quite simply a public diary entry! Maybe this could help who ever is reading this, we all struggle sometimes and succeed the other times. 

It's quite nice to find solace in another persons story (story, not journey ffs)if they're not doing so well, you know that you're not by yourself if you have an off day...or week if you're me!

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I started SW back in June of this year (2017). I wasn't in a good place in my life as I suffer badly from depression; being on medication to treat it, the side effects came with weight gain. I'm  a tall girl standing at 5'9 so i'm going to carry weight differently than the average 5'5/5'4 person. It doesn't help my case that I gain big and lose big...just wish it would stay off!

I haven't set a target weight yet, just going to aim for my Club 10 (16st 4lbs) as I weigh in today at 18st 6lbs!

Here's to a great week!


Tuesday 14 November 2017

Under Rated Musicians #1 - HURTS

If anybody is a fan of synthpop, get on HURTS. Outstanding.

First formed at the end of 2009 and released their debut album 'Happiness' in August 2010. They have also collaborated with the likes of Calvin Harris, Kylie Minogue and Compton, California's very own, The Game.

They are incomparable, their sound is very old school and they evolve each album they put out.

They are playing @ Manchester O2 Apollo 9th December 2017, plenty of tickets left

Thursday 26 October 2017

My To-Do list- Achievement #1- I STARTED YOGA!

If you read my My To-Do list blog, you'll see that I wanted to start Yoga- I Started! Ngl though it was from a Youtube tutorial, but at least it's a start!

The reason for starting Yoga- I go to Jiu-Jitsu on a Monday's (and the occasional Wednesday, when I'm not tired from work) and I've found that being flexible is a key strategy when rolling round with the opponent.


I was embarrassed the other week when we were doing our line drills (shrimping, standing technique etc) when our coach told us to roll back to the end of the mat. I've never done a roll in me life...I was the last person to roll and I got too scared to do it, the pressure of all the girls watching me didn't help. So, my instructor had go sit down and show me how to do it... all my weight was on my neck mid roll- it was the worst pain ever!!! Literally wore a scarf round my next for 4 days because it was stiff as fuck.



I'm the least flexible person ever, trying to throw your legs over someones head/neck is harder than it looks!!!

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I spoke to a few people about other activities I could do to improve my movements in Jits., even Joe Rogan (legendary comic, UFC commentator, Black Belt in Jiu-Jitsu and Yoga fiend) raves about it, so these people obviously know what they're talking about?

I started it, wasn't really fussed on it. I;m going to keep on with it though because it will help long term! I'm going to keep adding to this blog with my progress.... wish me luck!


Wednesday 18 October 2017

My To-Do list

I don't think anything will ever make me full and happy, but I'm going to try and set goals that are easy. Hopefully by the time I achieve the following, I can look forward to setting more. Baby steps.
In no particular order:-

Lose the weight you wanted to shift.
Gain more grades/stripes in BJJ.
Get Foo Fighters 2018 tour tickets.
Pay off debt.
Renew passport.
Go away.
Get more involved with charity work.
Get over fear of dentists.
Start Yoga.
Get The Killers Ticket
Get a new hair colour!
Buy a decent pair of shoes, buy cheap you buy twice!
Keep taking happy pills, and try not to fall off the wagon.
Clean room more often
Clean self everyday
Create a routine that fits me best.

I can't really think of any more at the moment, i'm glad I have these for now so that I'm not over loading.

As you can see, a few of the goals are crossed off! That means I've either achieved them or I've failed the attempt to achieve them, i'll do a blog for each goal and how I achieved/failed them.


Tuesday 26 September 2017

The Most Relatable Insta Quote I've Ever Read... Word Porn #1 #Diary

This is one of the most satisfying things I've read so far. It's so important to realise that I'm not the only person who shares these kind of feelings, and that other girls, boys, men and women all go through this state of feeling.

Now I'm quite a reticent person, depending on who I'm talking to. I tend to say things that people think I'm joking about when in fact, I'm being deadly serious. I have quite a sarcastic sense of humour which doesn't help at all...especially when it comes to liking somebody. I think the way I am has gotten me in a situation were it all comes down to this exact outcome.

Now I've never had a decent boyfriend, every boyfriend I've ever had has cheated on me or treated me like shit. I used to think it was something I done to make them go and find someone else or treat me the way they did, and it took me a long time to figure out it wasn't my insecurity, it was theirs.

Me personally, I don't think there's anything worse than receiving flirtatious attention from your crush, for them to reject your advances. That's one thing I've never understood about boys, or the ones I've come across at least, they'll dish it out but once you show further affection they straight up reject you (this is all personal experience, it's impossible for me to talk on behalf of every single woman haha). I mean, I've got myself into situations I wish I hadn't, that's maybe ruined a potentially-blossoming-something, but then I realise they didn't even really like me in the first place. That's when I come across this quote, and it's the realest thing I've ever read about rejection. I thought it was something I was doing wrong, but in reality, neither party is wrong? There's actually nothing wrong with flirting, banter or any other affection... I just take things waaay to personally sometimes, and it's something I need to work on.

Ahh whatever, I mean I guess I just need to not try so hard in the future, and also cut myself some slack haha.