Tuesday 26 September 2017

The Most Relatable Insta Quote I've Ever Read... Word Porn #1 #Diary

This is one of the most satisfying things I've read so far. It's so important to realise that I'm not the only person who shares these kind of feelings, and that other girls, boys, men and women all go through this state of feeling.

Now I'm quite a reticent person, depending on who I'm talking to. I tend to say things that people think I'm joking about when in fact, I'm being deadly serious. I have quite a sarcastic sense of humour which doesn't help at all...especially when it comes to liking somebody. I think the way I am has gotten me in a situation were it all comes down to this exact outcome.

Now I've never had a decent boyfriend, every boyfriend I've ever had has cheated on me or treated me like shit. I used to think it was something I done to make them go and find someone else or treat me the way they did, and it took me a long time to figure out it wasn't my insecurity, it was theirs.

Me personally, I don't think there's anything worse than receiving flirtatious attention from your crush, for them to reject your advances. That's one thing I've never understood about boys, or the ones I've come across at least, they'll dish it out but once you show further affection they straight up reject you (this is all personal experience, it's impossible for me to talk on behalf of every single woman haha). I mean, I've got myself into situations I wish I hadn't, that's maybe ruined a potentially-blossoming-something, but then I realise they didn't even really like me in the first place. That's when I come across this quote, and it's the realest thing I've ever read about rejection. I thought it was something I was doing wrong, but in reality, neither party is wrong? There's actually nothing wrong with flirting, banter or any other affection... I just take things waaay to personally sometimes, and it's something I need to work on.

Ahh whatever, I mean I guess I just need to not try so hard in the future, and also cut myself some slack haha.