Thursday 31 December 2015

Auf Wiedersehen 2015...


Seen's as this is my first ever blog, I thought I would take all of my 2015 memories and shove them all into one big post.

Now, this is year has been pretty productive for me; mainly because I never leave the house (I know, I'm weird but idc)

So, lets begin.


Slipknot Concert @ Liverpool Echo Arena, Thursday 22nd January.

Okay...I need a minute.

Right, Slipknot are my all time favourite Nu/Heavy Metal band in the whole entire world. After seeing them live for the very first time in January, my whole music world was near complete! I've been listening to Slipknot and Stone Sour since my little Goth phase back in 08' (yeah lets not talk about that) and I can honestly say, Corey Taylor (Lead Singer of both bands) makes cry...His voice sends chills down my spine...not to mention how fucking hot he is, anyway back to the story.

Right before the concert I was rrrrotten, I had only been drinking since 5 in the afternoon...but on an empty stomach which is boss lol.

I'll cut a long story short, I sobered up as soon as I heart their intro song 'XIX'. When Corey started to sing I started screaming, like howling, like only dogs could hear me at that point. 

I literally lost it.

The highlight of the convert was for 'Spit it out' when everybody had to get down on the ground. Clown, one of the percussionists in the band  had jumped off stage and walked through the crowd with one of his drums, I'm pretty sure he had an argument or a fight with one of the fans because there was a commotion where he was, and this was literally right behind me.

I can honestly say that this was the best night of my life. For ages I wanted to go one of their concert's but my mum didn't want me too because she thought it was to dangerous haha! But the honest truth? Its one of the friendliest crowds I've ever been in, everybody is there for the same reason; Music. Not a lot of people understand bands like Slipknot because they think its too scary or whatever- somebody actually said the to me once- and because not a lot of it doesn't run mainstream like House Music or Hip-Hop, it gets a bad rep for being violent or too aggressive...but everyone in the arena is pretty much in the same boat, they're the friendliest people you'll ever meet!

Soz for boring you like.

Anyway, next!


Download Festival, June 12-14th 2015


This was the Highlight of my year. Living in the UK and seeing Slipknot TWICE IN ONE YEAR is a fucking miracle on our side!

Me and my mate Vicky had stayed in Donington Park where it was held for the whole five days the festival was on, and it was fucking boss!

We'd arrived on the Wednesday. The first two days where amazing and the weather was perfect, everybody was rotten and having a brilliant time.

Then it came, Friday 12th. The first picture you see in the collage is of me and Vicky and her friend from the Kiss Kruise, Clem. That picture is of us queuing to meet Corey Taylor. This was a dream come fucking true; My idol. We had to buy his book -which I didn't mind because I had his previous books- just to meet him. So 4 and a half hours had passed...*WOAHH, HOLD ON A MIN, WHY DID YOU WAIT THAT LONG JUST TO MEET HIM YOU ASK?* Well, because hes my fucking hero thats why....

The bastards only went and cut the que off RIGHT WHERE WE WERE STANDING. But thats okay, he probs had a lot on his plate, the fact he had to get ready for the set tonight, probs eat and get hydrated and stuff, its fine Corey, I forgive you.

To this day, Vicky's still fuming haha.

The actual Slipknot set was mind blowing, it started to rain...and then it started to pour...then absolutely lash it down. Earlier on in the day I had changed into converse...BIG FUCKING MISTAKE. When it had finished, I was ankle deep in slushy mud. WORTH IT.

Here's a what it looked like:

Ngl, it was fucking awesome, It felt like I was in a movie hahaha.

Saturday 13th: MUSE

Muse. Where. Fucking. AMAZINGGGG.

I was that rotten when they where playing, I'd rang my sister singing -well screaming more- 'Plug in Baby'...Yep.

Btw I use the word 'Rotten' alot, if you're reading this and dont know what it means, here is a definition:



1. Suffering from Decay


2. Very Bad


3. To an extreme degree: Very much.

Rotten: DRUNK

and in this case, meets all three definitions, I.e:

  • Suffering from decay: The hangover the next morning from being 'rotten'
  • Very bad: v good decision at the time, not v good right now, v bad.
  • To an extreme degree, Yes! rotten to an extreme degree in my case.


BINGE Book tour, Tyler Oakley Meet & Greet Friday 30th October @ Waterstones, Liverpool.

Tyler is my Queen. I went to get my book signed all by myself (independent woman an' all that...).
I met these two lovely girls when queueing and had the best laugh with them, thanks for keeping me company if you're reading!

When I finally got to Tyler, he just had this glow coming off him, plus I've never seen such flawless skin ever before. 

I just looked at him and said 'Can I have a hug please?' fan girl melt down, fucking horrendous hahaha! He just laughed and said 'Of course!' and gave me the biggest hug ever!

This is the picture I got with him...he took it for me, such a gent!

I have a second picture where he is laughing at me because I started to make this awkward but really excited face...then I just walked off and he was like 'Aww okay byeee...'.

Sorry for being so awkward Tyler...






The Amazing Tour Is not on Fire! Liverpool Empire Theatre, Thursday November 5th 2015.

This picture is literally the only one I could get. You where practically thrown out if they caught you taking pictures of the live show, I tried taking snide ones but there where stewards with torches ready to burn me at the steak...anyway!

This show was worth all of it, I've never laughed so much in all of my life. They said they where filming it and its going to be released, so soz, I'm not putting in any spoilers you'll just have to wait. Impatient little buggers!


So that's pretty much it!

Sorry for the long winded blog, but hopefully you enjoyed it because any blog after this wont be as exciting as I hardly ever leave the house, so apologies in advance!

See you next year.

Mell XO